Wednesday 11 June 2014

Product Analysis

The target audience is for males and I going to use de still because that is what our  theme is about de still. The art movement is memphis and it relates to the target audience and on my work i have used the shapes and things like that.It will be manufactured in scool and we will have to make the design on a computer and will use coral draw. The wood that we are going to use is MDF what means medium density fiber wood. The target audience little children ages 5-8 and will want to put them in their rooms .this will be sutiable for the children becasue there is bright coloures and different realates to the art movement becasue memephis has wired shapes and this has these shapes aswell that is why it realates to would be made in a factory by useing soft mateirals and the back bit will be made out of plastic which will be also made in a factory.

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